Friday, January 18, 2013

A Giveaway and the flu

Ah, this week I had huge plans to take the first steps in my adventures in learning to sew. However, the flu had different ideas.  Myself, along with two three of my four kids came down with it starting last Friday... and man was it a bad one!  I'm happy to report that Mommy is on the mend, however the kids have fevers that simply won't disappear.  So, I thought, instead of feeling sorry for myself and focusing on all the work that was missed, I will just take the time to snuggle with the kids and have a celebratory party on the blog instead!  Clothkeeper is pleased to announce our first giveaway on the blog!

The winner of this giveaway will receive one of our "You Pick Eight 1/2 yards" bundles!  The winner can pick any 8 fabrics from the Clothkeeper Store, aside from items in the LAST CHANCE section (which currently isn't populated), and I will cut them into half yards and send them out to that person.  Shipping for the winner is free in the US.  People from other countries may enter, but they will pay shipping costs (which is the cost of a flat rate envelope).  Here are the various ways to enter the contest. 

1. Like us on Facebook.
2. Share the GIVEAWAY post at the top of our Facebook Page.
3. We want to know what you will do with your eight 1/2 yards!  Leave a comment on THIS post, telling us what your plans are for the fabric!
4. Follow this blog!  

That's right folks you may enter this contest 4 times.  Please post a comment for EACH time that you enter.  Once the contest closes (Monday Jan 21 at 9:00PM PST), we will pick a number at random, through  If you are posting as anonymous, please leave an email address for us to get a hold of you in the event that you win.  I will post the name and number of the winner here and email them Monday night.  I'm so excited!  Have fun and good luck to all!!


  1. My plan for the fabric is to make something cute for my new baby coming in May!

    1. Oh congrats!!!! I'd love a new baby, but don't tell my husband;)! We are just finishing up an adoption and I think he's done!! Congratulations and happy baby crafting!

  2. I will use the fabric to make diapers and wipes holders and other baby gifts.

    1. Thanks Tiffany!! You're Courtney's sister right? DO you have a shop where you sell these things? If so, let me know so I can like and visit your business!

  3. Replies
    1. WHAT??? You hadn't already liked me!!!!??? ;)

  4. Would love to get a jump on a couple quilts I've been planning.

  5. And what would I do with the fabric? Heehee. I've been wanting to get back into appliqued shirts (remember the one I did for Bailey??). Or something else fun like a mini quilt.

    1. I DO remember the one you did for Bailey! LOVED IT!!!!!! If you win I say that you have to make ONE of the shirts for BAILEY!!! ;)

  6. I shared with my sewing group on FB

    1. Thank you so much for sharing with your sewing group! How thoughtful!

  7. I would make clothes and diapers for my two kiddos :). Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. I am a bit of a fabric hoarder. I rarely buy fabric with a specific project in mind, I just buy pretty things and hoard them until inspiration strikes. So, I have no idea at the moment what exactly I'd make if I won! lol. (though, I really do need a new bag for me, so maybe....)

    1. That's like me! I just LOVE fabric! I could have tons and tons of it so I can look at it and that's how I turned into someone who sells it! I wish I could make the things I imagine! Hopefully soon:)

  9. I have a few things in mind. I make rolled roses out of fabric scraps.

  10. I don't just like you, I love you on FB!

  11. If I won I would send some to my seamstress friends to use or ask them to make me something!

  12. If I won I would definitely make a rag quilt or two or maybe some baby bibs or burpies. Maybe I would just add it to my stash just to look at. I love fabric!

  13. I would make a dress for my daughter! She loves wearing dresses!

  14. I already like you on facebook, who doesn't?!?!?!

  15. I think I am following the blog. I hit subscribe and it added it to my reader. Is that right?

  16. I would probably hoard the fabric, ha!

  17. I would make a quilt just for me !

  18. If I won I would like to have a custom babyhawk oh snap made and then with the rest of the fabric some cool bags/organizers made for my diaper bag :) I have done all the steps for this contest now so fingers crossed that I win!

    1. Great Idea Crystal! I love my oh snap's and babyhawks! Couldn't live without them!!!!!


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